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Handmade wanton.
Best for soup and deep fry.
Ingredients: Wanton skin, egg, flour, chestnut, minced pork.
VP02 Yong Toufu Platter (35pcs) 酿豆腐拼盘
F15 Fried Wu Xiang Strip (10pcs) 炸五香条
V08 Tou Kwa with Fish Paste (3pcs) 豆干
H02 Pig Stomach Soup (500g) 猪肚汤
R25 Big Pork Dumpling (10pcs) 水饺
SB01 Eight Treasures (Pork) 八宝拼盘 (40pcs)
H03 Premium Coffee Pork Ribs 咖啡排骨
F08 Long Fried Fish Cake (1pcs) 炸长鱼饼
B01a Handmade Fishball (10pcs) 手工鱼丸
VP01 Vegetable Platter (16items) 蔬菜拼盘