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R12 Pig Skin Roll with Fish Paste (1pcs) 猪皮卷
S09 Abalone Slice (300g) 鲍鱼片
V10 Fresh Carrot (3pcs) 红萝卜
G19 Laksa Paste (1pack)
G14 Clear Chicken Broth (250ml) 清鸡汤
R04 Crab Stick (1pack) 螃蟹棒
F25 Fish slice (10pcs) 西刀鱼片
V01 Eggplant wth Fish Paste (3pcs) 茄子
R16 Har Kao (20pcs) 虾饺
VP01 Vegetable Platter (16items) 蔬菜拼盘